Continuous uniform distribution

CFA level I / Quantitative Methods: Application / Common Probability Distributions / Continuous uniform distribution

A continuous uniform distribution is a continuous distribution where the probability of all outcomes is equal. It plays an important role in Monte Carlo simulation.

The following formula gives the pdf for a continuous uniform distribution ranging from a to b:

The following formula gives the cumulative distribution formula (cdf):

F(x) = 0 for x ≤ a
F(x) = (x-a)/(b-a) for a< x< b
F(x) = 1 for x≥b

The following formulas give the cumulative probability that the value lies between x1 and x2:

P(x1 ≤ X ≤x2) = (x2-x1)/(b-a) if a ≤ x1 < x2 ≤ b

P(x1 ≤ X ≤x2) = (x2-a)/(b-a) if x1 ≤ a < x2 ≤ b

P(x1 ≤ X ≤x2) = (b-x1)/(b-a) if a ≤ x1 < b ≤ x2

P(x1 ≤ X ≤x2) = 1 if x1 ≤ a < b ≤ x2

P(x1 ≤ X ≤x2) = 0  otherwise

Do not get confused with the formulas. You need not remember the formulas if you can understand the concept behind that formulas. The continuous probability distribution area is like a rectangle with (b-a) as its one side and 1/(b-a) as its other side.


While calculating the probability, we just need to calculate how much of the area is covered by the given number. When the number x1 and x2 are between a and b, then those numbers are going to cover only x2 - x1 of the width as the height will always remain the same at 1/(b-a). So, the total area covered will be (x2 - x1)/(b-a).

Similarly, if x1 is greater than a and less than b, but x2 is greater than b, then the width covered will be equal to b - x1 because the continuous random variable does not like beyond b and the area covered will be equal to (b - x1)/(b-a).

The mean of the continuous uniformly distributed variable = (a+b)/2

Variance of the continuous uniformly distributed variable = (b-a)2/12

Example 4: Calculating probabilities for a continuous uniform distribution

A fixed income portfolio manager has taken a position in the below-investment grade bonds. The payoff of the bonds can range from -$100 million to $200 million. The payoff is assumed to be continuous uniformly distributed.

Compute the expected value of the payoff and the probability that the payoff will be:

(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Greater than $100 million
(d) Between -$50 million and $25 million


The expected value of the payoff = (-100 + 200)/2 = $50 million

(a) Probability that the payoff is positive, P(X>0) = (200-0)/[200 - (-100)] = 200/300 = 0.667.

(b) Probability that the payoff is negative, P(X<0) = [0 - (-100)]/[200 - (-100)] = 100/300 = 0.333.

(c) Probability that the payoff is greater than $100 million, P(X>100) = (200-100)/[200 - (-100)] = 100/300 = 0.333.

(d) Probability that the payoff is between -$50 million and $25 million, P(-50< X <25) = [25 - (-50)]/[200 - (-100)] = 75/300 = 0.25.

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